STEM classes for kids

Get your kid inspired with STEM subjects thanks to our hands-on story-driven educational cources.

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What is STEM education?


Being curious about the world: observing, listening, making predictions, and conducting experiments that test our ideas


Being inventive for a greater purpose and putting ideas into shapes: using tools, making things work to improve processes


Using cleverness to solve problems of humanity and improve the world. It is designing, building, creating, and developing


Revealing universal order in its perfection and the language of the laws of nature. It is patterning, sequencing, exploring shapes, volumes, and sizes

Why is STEM education so popular?

It stimulates kids’ natural curiosity and talents

Interactive format and real-life situations help kids see how to apply knowledge in practice. It fosters the development of a passion for studying and discovery.

It builds skills for an in-demand job landscape

STEM occupations are well paid while millions of STEM jobs are going unfilled each year and their amount is growing. The world needs new talents to fill the gap.

It bridges the ethnic and gender gaps

STEM education breaks the traditional gender roles and ethnic stereotypes. Through its initiatives, it has managed to increase the roles of women and minorities in STEM-related fields.

What STEM subjects do we learn in Edcraft?

STEM is the future. Science pervades every aspect of our life and STEM aims to integrate all scientific subjects into one curriculum which offers real-life challenges that help students learn.


Chemistry basics

Chemistry is inside us and everywhere around us. As a science, It strives to understand the complex behavior of materials, their composition, and structure: why they appear the way they do, what gives them their properties.


Physics basics

Physics describes the physical universe around us. It is the study of matter and energy: how they interact and affect each other in time and space. Its laws help us predict the behavior of objects and the world in general.

math and logic

Math & logic

Math deals with the logic of shape, it reveals patterns and sequences. It boosts the child’s proficiency and accuracy, teaches how to model situations, compare and choose the best solutions in real life through logical judgments.

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Chemistry basics

Chemistry for kids ages 7-13

We bring the best qualities of chemistry to life — real experiments and exploration, but safe at home and adapted for kids’ fun and development. With our unique gamified lessons children solve game-plot problems and learn new topics that get more and more challenging.

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Physics basics

Physics for kids ages 7-13

Interactive cartoon-like courses are designed to introduce kids ages 7−13 to physics from the scratch. Exciting tasks will get them acquainted with the most interesting areas of science and help discover amazing physical facts which are present in our every-day life.

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Math & logic

Math and logic for kids ages 7-13

A challenging but extremely fun, interactive, and rewarding way to unveil the beauty of math. Story-driven tasks will keep 7−13 year-olds engaged and make them fall in love with math. Gorgeously illustrated heroes will teach a kid to use logic and find outside-the-box ways to solve problems.

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Units are developed on the basis of the best sources, the expertise of methodologists and psychologists, divided into 10 lessons with gamified tasks


Children solves plot game problems to learn new topics and consolidate what they have learned in each course. No boredom! All the tasks are unique!


At the end of each course, the child takes a test or completes a game, receiving a diploma if successful. You will be confident in your kid’s knowledge!

Carefully crafted by experts in kids education

STEM courses are developed by subject experts from top US and international universities. Our content creators are doting parents, committed educators, and lovers of learning!

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Check out the feedback left on TrustPilot by our early users

Paul Davis
1 US

We want our children to be more successful than we are

I’m about finance man and I was searching for money management tools for my elder son, he is 11 yo. I suppose that understanding the value of money and how hard is it to earn is extremely important. You have to be able to appreciate other people and their achievements…

Last week I saw edcrafts ad on Facebook, so I requested a demo of their financial game. We tried personal budget topic right from iphone with Samuel.

Well, it works, the training format is good. Signed up for updates, waiting for the whole course to be released.

Alessandra Marissa
1 US

Sex education looks up-to-date

Met Edcraft on Facebook. The message was a bit aggressive and candid, so I decided to look deeper.
I’ve never seen sex education courses for kids before.
My oldest daughter is 10 yo, and I has already been asking tricky questions a couple of times. I suppose it’s a high time to talk to her seriously about sex.

I’m going to offer her that course and see how she reacts.
Loved the learning program; also took financial literacy demo lesson.

Carrillo Mark
1 US

Let’s try Edcraft courses

Samantha liked logic course. She was completely ready to save Maries dog from snatchers hands and solved all the puzzles. Ethan helped her twice, though. Ethan himself later said that emotion course was meant for girls like his sister, and he was interested in “managing more pocket money” instead.

I am trying to teach kids from an early age, they do even have their bank accounts, but they don’t manage them yet. I take all the decisions, but they see the consequences on the balance.

Waiting for full courses in February.

Makenna Breanna
1 US

I've preordered financial literacy

I’ve preordered financial literacy. Hope they will launch full course in February as promised.
I’m fond of Kiyosaki ideas. It’s a pity I got to know him too late.
When I was a student I took a lot of loans and only many years later I realized that these decisions were ineffective.
I hope my son won’t step into my shoes and learn how to handle money properly.
Edcraft has cool interface, it works well on iPhone.