Unit 4. Mood Lake

After passing through the obstacles on land, the kids will set off on a voyage to the ever-changing Mood Lake. On the way to their goal, they will have to withstand storms, experience periods of calm, overcome hidden fears, and continue onward towards their goal!

What determines a person’s mood? What do you do if you really want to cry? How do you calm yourself down before a big test? Why is it important to dream about success? In the final topic of this program, we will explain to your child how to make thought-through decisions, and if they can control their own mood.


Anthony Elemoso

Anthony Elemoso

Medicine & Chemistry Expert

Medicine Doctor, neurosurgeon. Expert in chemistry and biology, curates EdCraft science courses development for kids. Over 15 years of medical, science and business experience including R&D and education. Experienced "biohacker".

Dmitry Alexeev

Dmitry Alexeev

Healthy Lifestyle Expert

Candidate of Sciences in Biology, Head of the Bio-Informatics Laboratory of the Research Institute of Physical and Chemical Medicine, Head of R&D at AtlasBiomed Group. Professor at the Dutch University of Aging ERIBA. Co-author of the children's book on nutrition, Tim's Journey through the World of Bacteria.

Anthony Kan

Anthony Kan

Expert in chemistry and biology

PhD in biology from Cambridge, MD in Physics from Oxford, UK. Research scientist in biochemistry at CERN and Harvard Medical School, USA. Leads EdCraft science courses development.