Unit 1. What does everything consist of?

Course is designed specifically for 6-13 years old kids and adapted for their cognitive development level and needs. It has a perfect fit for those who either study science at school (including enthusiasts) or have never tried anything related to science.

As part of the course, the child will learn about the specifics of the molecular structure of various substances, master the basic terms of physics. In this course we are helping kids to learn not always simple science of physics, but in a simple form.

After completing the course, the child will be able to discuss the aggregate states of substances in a scientific language, learn how physical and chemical phenomena are similar and how they differ, and get acquainted with the most interesting areas of classical and modern science.

Unit structure

  • The unit consists of 10 lessons + Introduction. Each lesson lasts 40 minutes and is devoted to a certain topic;
  • 40 exciting interactive tasks integrated into the story;
  • The course ends with a fun quiz to check the material digestion. In case of success your child receives a certificate, if not – tries again.
  • Unlimited full access to all of the course materials forever;
  • Approximately 5 hours of lessons in game format for kids 6-13 years old.

Unit lessons:

  • What physics is all about
  • Physical phenomena
  • MicroMagoMega
  • Structure of matter
  • States of matter
  • Diffusion
  • Bodies’ movement
  • Bodies’ interaction
  • Unbelievable in simple
  • Diffusion

One unit costs $14.90, and the full course — $49.90