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Financial literacy
4 february 2021
Best ways to teach kids about investing
Here are some simple ways and practical tips how to introduce your kids to investing, even if you are far from the world of finance.

Financial literacy
3 february 2021
6 tips for teaching your kids about budgeting
Learning budgeting is a long-term process. In theory budgeting may seem simple but pretty often even adults don’t follow one. So, this is important to teach your child how to manage money and do some common actions with it.

Financial literacy
2 february 2021
Tips for teaching your child about using a bank card
How to teach a child to use a bank card? How can you convince him that money on a bank card is a safer and more convenient way to store funds compared to cash? You will find answers to these and other questions in our article.

Financial literacy
1 february 2021
Pocket money: when and how much?
Does it make sense to give pocket money to children? Is it good for them, and what are their benefits of learning through spending and saving?

Financial literacy
31 january 2021
10 ways to teach your kids financial literacy
Financial management habits are formed before the age of 10. Sooner or later, your children will have to learn how to handle money. So here are 10 practical tips to guide you through your child's financial education process.

Financial literacy
26 january 2021
10 Tips to Teach Your Child to Save Money
There are 10 effective tips for parents to teach your child to save money.

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